RJMilton Publishing

The Worcestor Sisters - Abigail & Isabel Worcestor are the writer & illustrator of the Worcestor Sisters Children's Books - a collection of 40 books and well over 1000 artworks.  The books, beginning with "The Sisters of Little Hope", will arrive seasonally and continue over 10 years.


Owen Spaulding (McGregor) - Novelist: Mr Spaulding is the author of five novels starting with "Simon" and followed by "On Dying from Consumption", "Broken Minutes", "The Last Journey of Edgar Garibaldi", and "Once, While Fearing Condensation" over the coming years.

Lillian Sanders - Writer of three novels as well as short novels and short stories. The first novel is "Voices of the Village Well".

Cyril McGregor - Writer of short stories, short novels and novels. "[Like] A Wishbone in my Throat", is the first collection of stories with novelettes and more short stories to follow.

Eudora Peavey - "Eudora Peavey's Magic Kitchen" is a raucous cookbook from the Chairwoman of the Meet Every Tuesday at Three Committee.  She works under the premise "Enhance someone's recipe; make it your own..."

Jameson Cooper - Poet, and the writer of one short novel "Ten Cent Man".  The first collection of poems, "7 Days Done, Vols. I & II" starts it all off.

Alexandra Simon - Playwright of "Silence [Screams]"

Our Writers and Artists